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La Opinión Endorses Rendon for Re-election in 2020

Speaker Rendon Guest Lecture to CSUF Students


Announces Hearings On Healthcare

Legislature Expands Funding for Healthcare Coverage

For Assembly Speaker, Gun Control Fight Is Personal

Anthony Rendon of Lakewood Receives Death Threats

California Badly Needs Political Heroes, and We Just Got One: Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon

Rendon Could Have Kept The Bill Alive, But It Would Have Been A Charade

Gov. Brown Signs Sweeping Gun Control Package

Assembly Passes Gun Control Measures

New Speaker Offers Era of Stability

Assembly Approves Rendon's Safe Drinking Water Proposal

Rendon Honored for Clean Water Leadership

Rendon Water Bond Signed By Governor Brown


Press Release
Next Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendón Endorses Cristina Garcia


December 29, 2015


Lakewood, CA – The Assembly’s next Speaker, Anthony Rendon, announced his endorsement of Assemblymember Cristina Garcia today with the following statement:


“I am proud to endorse Assemblymember Garcia for re-election to represent the 58th Assembly District.  Together, we are working to continue to move the Southeast forward.  She has been a strong ally and advocate for transparency and open government and we have partnered to reform the Central Basin Water District.  She is a tireless advocate for her constituents and she deserves to be re-elected next year,” stated Assembly Speaker Designee Anthony Rendon.





Vida En Valle
New Speaker-elect Anthony Rendón carving out his own path

It was a huge surprise to many when Assemblymember Anthony Rendón, D-Lakewood, jumped to the top of the political hierarchy after his colleagues voted him to be the next Assembly Speaker.


A native of Silver Lake in Los Ángeles, Rendón, 47 and a second-generation Mexican-American and Democrat who represents the 63rd Assembly District, is expected to succeed the current Asssembly Speaker Toni Atkins, D-San Diego when he is officially elected in to office in January.


Rendón also made history last week by becoming the fifth Latino to serve as Speaker of the State Assembly.

Past Latino Speakers have included Cruz Bustamante, Antonio Villaraigosa, Fabian Núñez and John A. Pérez.

It is also the first time in history that both the Senate President pro Tempore (Kevin de León) and Speaker of the State Assembly is Latino. The significance of this is two-fold, said Rendón in his first interview with Vida en el Valle.


“Kevin and I being elected at the same time comes in the same calendar year that Latinos became the plurality in the state but I also want to note the fact that I came to this position with support from the African-American Caucus, the Asian Pacific Islander Caucus and the LGBT community,” said Rendón.


“It says something about the way that California is going to move forward in this century.”


His grandparents are from México City and Michoacán, respectively, and his parents were both born in Los Ángeles. Though he was raised “very Latino” he does not know how to speak Spanish, but admits to understanding it pretty well.


At the state Capitol, Rendón is mostly known for his tireless work in pushing forth the water bond, which he authored as the Assembly Water Parks and Wildlife Committee Chairman. By conducting more than 16 field hearings and negotiating long hours with his colleagues, the bond headed to California voters who approved the measure by 67.5 percent in November of 2014.


“The Water Bond was a big victory not only for me, but my entire office. It passed during a time of extreme drought and it received bipartisan support with over 70 votes. However, I still think the money is just a drop in the bucket in terms of our water infrastructure needs,” said Rendón.


Rendón will become the first Speaker to serve under the new, 12-year term limits for lawmakers.


In 2014, he unsuccessfully ran for Speaker against Atkins. Now, he can serve as speaker for nine years, the most any lawmaker has been able to serve since Democrat Willie Brown who served from 1980 to 1995.

Rendón sees the new term limits as both an enormous responsibility and an advantage, to really focus on the legislation he feels is important for his district and the entire state.


“I want to ensure power is restored to the members and committee chairs and I believe the speaker needs to serve more as a steward so that the members have all the resources they need as well as all the committee chairs,” said Rendón.


Although he plans to carve out his own path as Assembly Speaker, Rendón will continue the work Atkins has already started and continue to shift the powers of the speaker to the members.


He also wants to focus heavily on oversight.


“This is our opportunity. We have already tackled the issue with oversight on state parks and this year it will be on the California Public Utilities Commission. I am all about openness, transparency and making sure there is public record and access to the meetings that CPUC staff and commissioners are taking part in,” said Rendón.


First elected to the legislature in 2012, Rendón is serving his second term as the chair of the Utilities and Commerce Committee and continues to serve on the Water, Parks & Wildlife, Natural Resources, Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security, and Appropriations Committees.


Before taking the political route in his career, he arrived in the Assembly with a commitment to clean, transparent and open government.


He holds a Ph.D in political philosophy, political and architectural theory. For many years, he was an educator, non-profit executive director, and an environmental activist. This was the work that influenced him to move into politics.


“I started to see many structural impediments like funding or basic regulations that made it difficult for me to do my job; and, later, I noticed there weren’t enough voices in the legislature rallying for education, in particular, early childhood education,” said Rendón.


When steep budget cuts began taking a toll on education at all levels, he took action.


“I felt there was a lack of voices in education and it was having a very negative impact on the work that I was doing. There has been approximately $1 billion cut in the last ten years from education and only $500 million has been restored so that means, we need to do more,” said Rendon.


Before he is officially elected speaker, Rendón says he has received much guidance and support from former Speakers and current lawmakers, including former Speakers Fabián Núñez and John A. Pérez who also officiated his wedding last year, former Assemblymember Héctor De La Torre and Senator Ricardo Lara, D-Bell Gardens.


“I am deeply honored to have had the support of all of my colleagues. I believe the Assembly remains focused on doing the people’s work and finding solutions to the challenges Californian’s face every day,” he added.


Sacramento Bee
Anthony Rendón selected new Assembly speaker


Moving to designate a leader with just days remaining in this year’s legislative session, Assembly Democrats on Thursday voted unanimously to make Assemblyman Anthony Rendon their next speaker.


Speculation about a leadership change spiked last week when Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins, D-San Diego, circulated a pledge asking members to not hold a vote until next January. Term limits require Atkins to give up her Assembly seat in 2016.


“When it became clear to me that Mr. Rendon had the support of his colleagues to be the speaker-designee, it seemed logical to me that we move forward, that we not hesitate, because we need to be focused on the work we have to get done,” Atkins said.


Caucus members will formally vote to make Rendon the leader in January, Atkins said, and will designate a transition timeline. That means she will remain in charge down the home stretch of a session in which Democrats are trying to pass a far-reaching climate change measure and increase funding for health care and transportation infrastructure.


“The speaker is Ms. Atkins,” Rendon said. “I anticipate we’ll take a vote on SB 350,” the climate bill, “before Sept. 11, and that will be while she’s speaker.”


Rendon, a Lakewood Democrat, was first elected in 2012. He said he arrived in Sacramento with a particular interest in the environment and early childhood education, two issues he pursued during previous roles with nonprofit organizations. Under new term limits rules, he is eligible to serve until 2024.


“In the extended term-limited era, we have the opportunity to accomplish a vast array of different things,” Rendon said.


Earlier this year, Atkins tapped Rendon to lead the powerful Assembly Committee on Utilities and Commerce, where he has dealt with utility companies seeking to shape Senate Bill 350’s mandate that half of California’s electricity come from renewable sources by 2030. She said he has served on the caucus campaign team.

“Mr. Rendon has already had a role” in fundraising, Atkins said.


He was instrumental last session in crafting a $7.5 billion water bond that ultimately won voter approval and carried a bill thatwill ban lead bullets in California as of 2019.


When Rendon assumes power, both houses of the California Legislature will be controlled by Latino, Los Angeles-area lawmakers. His Senate counterpart, Kevin de León of Los Angeles, can remain in office through 2018. A thin strip of freeway separates their districts.


Rendon’s selection caps a tumultuous week of leadership maneuvering. Senate Republicans unexpectedly voted last week to install Jean Fuller of Bakersfield as their new leader. Days later, Assembly Republicans tapped Chad Mayes of Yucca Valley to take over next year.


Jeremy B. White: 916-326-5543, @CapitolAlert


La Opinión

Anthony Rendón será presidente de la Asamblea de California

En 2016 se convertirá en el quinto latino en ser líder de la cámara baja de California, considerado la octava economía del mundo




El asambleísta demócrata de Lakewood, Anthony Rendón fue electo presidente de la Asamblea de California por sus compañeros en reemplazo de Tony Atkins, la actual líder que entregará el cargo en 2016.

“Me siento profundamente honrado de recibir el apoyo de mis colegas para ser el próximo presidente de la Asamblea”, dijo Rendón de 47 años.


Representa al distrito 63 que abarca las ciudades y comunidades de Bell, Cudahy, Hawaiian Gardens, Lakewood, North Long Beach, Lynwood, Maywood, Paramount y South Gate, Rendón fue elegido como asambleísta en 2012 y está en su segundo periodo en el cargo.


Este año fue nombrado presidente del comité de Servicios Públicos y Comercio de la Asamblea. En esa capacidad presentó la medida AB 645 para que todas las compañías de servicios públicos proporcionen un mínimo de 50% de su energía con recursos renovables para el 2030.


Rendón asumirá como presidente de la Asamblea en 2016 y se convertirá en el quinto latino en ocupar ese puesto. El primero fue Cruz Bustamante, también exvicegobernador del estado; el segundo fue el exalcalde de Los Ángeles, Antonio Villaraigosa;  el tercero Fabián Núñez; y el cuarto, John Pérez. Con excepción de Bustamante que es del Valle Central, todos han sido representantes de Los Ángeles.

Por primera vez California tendrá dos líderes latinos en la legislatura estatal, Kevin de Leónen el Senado, y Rendón en la Asamblea.


“De primera mano, sabemos que el recién electo presidente de la Asamblea, Rendón, trabajará con diligencia e incansablemente en los temas que no sólo interesan a los latinos sino a los californianos”, dijo el líder de la bancada latina, Luis Alejo, asambleísta demócrata de Salinas.


Y recordó que el verano pasado, el Buró del Censo de los Estados Unidos confirmó que los latinos son el grupo étnico más grande de California. “Dicho eso, es imperativo que nuestros líderes estatales desarrollen políticas  e iniciativas con los latinos y trabajadores de California en mente”, señaló.

Rendón se convertirá en el líder de la Asamblea de California número 70. Y bajo las nuevas reglas de los límites de los mandatos legislativos, es elegible para servir hasta 2024.


El asambleísta tiene un doctorado por la Universidad de California en Riverside; fue profesor adjunto de ciencias políticas en la Universidad Estatal de California en Fullerton; director de Plaza de la Raza que ofrece servicios de desarrollo para la niñez; y director interino de la Liga de Votantes del Medio Ambiente.



La Opinión

Asambleísta Rendón: “Nadie se acuerda de las ciudades del sureste de Los Ángeles”

Hacen falta más organizaciones que se enfoquen en las ciudades del sureste de Los Ángeles




El asambleísta demócrata de South Gate, Anthony Rendón, lamentó lafalta de organizaciones comunitarias sin fines de lucro que lleven sus servicios y se enfoquen en las ciudades del sureste de Los Ángeles que abarcan su distrito.


“Cuando uno viene en un avión sobre la ciudad, puede ver con toda claridad el color verde del río de Los Ángeles desde el parque Griffith hasta el centro, pero conforme la nave da la vuelta hacia las comunidades del sureste, el panorama cambia, se acaba el verde”, dijo Rendón a los miembros del concejo comunitario de La Opinión durante una reunión el jueves.


Es por eso, dijo, que una de sus prioridades legislativas es la revitalización del río en las comunidades que corresponden a su distrito 63 que abarca las ciudades de Bell, Cudahy, Hawaiian Gardens, Lakewood, Lynwood, Maywood, Paramount, South Gate y la porción norte de Long Beach, para que la gente pueda ir a correr, caminar y andar en bicicleta a lo largo del afluente.


Y citó que esto puede ayudar a solucionar uno de los más grandes problemas que tienen las ciudades del sureste del condado: la obesidad, la cual va ligada en primer lugar a la falta de espacios abiertos; y después a la nutrición.


Las ciudades de su distrito tienen una pobreza de parques, junto a altas densidades poblacionales. “Se construyeron casas y habitaciones sobre granjas agrícolas y no se dio atención a la creación de parques”, expuso.


En general, dijo que esas ciudades del sureste de Los Ángeles sufren de lo que llamó una “tremenda” contaminación del aire y el agua.


Rendón busca establecer mayores actividades cívicas para motivar a los residentes de su distrito a participar más en las elecciones. Lamentó que más de la mitad de los que han sido concejales en esas ciudades ahora estén en la cárcel por corrupción.


Pero algo que le da esperanza es que más jóvenes entre 30 y 40 años, después de ir a la universidad, han regresado a sus ciudades y se han involucrado en la política local, conviertiéndose en representantes municipales.


Cuestionado por el vocero de CHIRLA, Jorge Mario Cabrera, sobre por qué no apoya más temas que tengan que ver con los inmigrantes indocumentados, ya que media población de su distrito podría estar en ese estatus, Rendón contestó que apoyó la ley de las licencias de manejo.



Office of Governor Brown


August 13, 2014


Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today signed legislation to put a comprehensive water bond before voters this November.

"Water is the lifeblood of any civilization and for California it's the precondition of healthy rivers, valleys, farms and a strong economy," said Governor Brown. "With this water bond, legislators from both parties have affirmed their faith in California's future."

The legislation signed by Governor Brown, AB 1471 by Assemblymember Anthony Rendon (D-Lakewood), replaces the current $11.1 billion water bond on the November ballot. The bipartisan legislation passed the Senate 37-0 and the Assembly 77-2. The new bond includes $7.12 billion in new debt, plus the repurposing of existing unspent bond funds of $425 million for a total of $7.545 billion. None of the repurposed bond funds will be taken from existing projects. The measure will be Proposition 1 on the November ballot.

The bond provides for water use efficiency and recycling, groundwater cleanup and management and $2.7 billion for additional water storage. It invests in safe drinking water, particularly in disadvantaged communities, and provides for watershed restoration and increased flows in some of California's most important rivers and streams. An outline of the final bond can be found here.

The water bond is supported by a broad array of agricultural, business, labor, environmental, water and wildlife organizations, including: Agricultural Council of California, Western Agricultural Processors, Clean Water Action, Association of California Water Agencies, American Rivers, Audubon Society, Bay Area Council, California Alliance for Jobs, California Chamber of Commerce, California Conference of Carpenters, California Farm Bureau Federation, California Labor Federation, California League of Conservation Voters, California-Nevada Conference of Operating Engineers, California State Pipe Trades Council, California Trout, California Waterfowl Association, California Coalition of Utility Workers, Community Water Center, Defenders of Wildlife, Ducks Unlimited, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, Natural Resources Defense Council, San Diego County Water Authority, Santa Clara Valley Water District, Silicon Valley Leadership Group, State Association of Electrical Workers, State Building and Construction Trades Council of California, California State Council of Laborers, Sonoma County Water Agency, The Nature Conservancy, Trout Unlimited, Western Growers Association, WateReuse California, Defenders of Wildlife, Northern California

Water Association, California Building Industry Association, Westlands Water District, Yuba County Water Agency, California Fresh Fruit Association, Sacramento County, Contra Costa County, Yolo County and Solano County.


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